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Counseling for Troubled Youth
When seeking counseling for troubled youth you must first determine what type of counseling is needed and then find a counselor that deals with the specific problem the teen is struggling with. With the wide range of counseling for troubled youth available, read this article before choosing a counselor.
The phrase "counseling for troubled youth" can have a wide range of meanings, particularly since troubled youth and counseling are each used with multiple meanings. Troubled youth can refer to a child who has some issue that has not yet been diagnosed or it can be a way of avoiding highly technical or unflattering descriptions. In the second case, it may refer to a young person who is a perpetual truant, a juvenile delinquent, or who has a substance abuse issues, a pregnant teenager, or an adolescent with low self-esteem, poor grades, problems with authority, ill-chosen friends, a mental health issue, or a range of other problems. Counseling encompasses assistance that ranges from the help available through school staff to community mental health workers, and specialists at dedicated schools and treatment centers for young people with particular persistent or chronic issues. Here are some particular types of counseling that may be of use to a troubled youth, depending on his or her issues:
Counseling may take place individually or in groups, involve only the person in trouble or include his or her family, be short- or long-term, and be done according to different philosophies or programs. Related Article: Teen Behavior Modification >>